Scholarship Search
Below is a list of every scholarship offered by Tallahassee State College and the TSC Foundation. This list is to provide applicants with information pertaining to the types of scholarships offered by the College and the Foundation. Not all scholarships are awarded every academic year. Scholarships being offered will appear in the applicants “My Opportunities” section of their scholarship account. With just one application, you will be matched with various available scholarships. If you have successfully submitted an application and do not see a scholarship in “My Opportunities” from the list below that you believe you fit the criteria to be considered for, it is due to the scholarship not being offered at that particular time.
Use the options below to determine your search criteria. Please note that you can search three different ways:
- Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
- Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
- Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).
Scholarships (232)
Alfred I. duPont Scholarship
This scholarship was founded by the Alfred I. duPont Foundation to provide assistance to residents of Gulf, Liberty, or Franklin county.
- From Gulf, Liberty, or Franklin county
- Demonstrate financial need
Allen & Pam Nobles First Generation Godby High Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance at a recent graduate of Amos P. Godby High School.
-Must be recent graduate of Amos P. Godby High School
-Must be first generation to attend college.
Amazon Business Scholarship
Andre Richardson Provolutionary Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students enrolled in the TSC Workforce Development HVAC program.
- Enrolled in the TCC Workforce Development HVAC program
Angels of Mercy Scholarship
This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to returning and currently enrolled TSC Nursing students.
- Enrolled in the Nursing program receiving an A.S. degree
- Demonstrate financial need
- Not receiving the Bright Futures Scholarship
Anna Renedo Garcia Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Elva & Tom Brady to honor the memory of Anna Renedo Garcia and provides full program tuition and fees expenses to a newly accepted student to the TSC Nursing program.
- Accepted to the TSC A.S. Nursing program
- Must maintain consistent program enrollment
- Preference first given to women
- Ineligible for PELL grant funding as determined by a currently submitted FASFA
Anthony Revell Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Anthony Revell to provide assistance to a student enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy or Corrections program.
- Accepted to and/or currently enrolled in the Law Enforcement Academy or Corrections program at FPSI
- Resident of Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden, or Jefferson County - Preference given to students who have complete 20 hours of community service and 3 ride alongs with a Law Enforcement agency
Anything Goes Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students at Tallahassee State College.
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Completed a minimum of 45 hours eligible towards graduation
Aspire (TSC2FSU)
- Recipient(s) is enrolled in enrolled in the TSC2FSU program, and will attend FSU upon their graduation from TSC.
- Student must demonstrate financial need
- Student must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or better
Associated Marine Institute (AMI) Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to graduates of the Tallahassee Associated Marine Institute (AMI) program or the West Florida Wilderness Institute program to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Graduate of the Tallahassee Associated Marine or West Florida Wilderness Institute program
- Received a high school diploma or completed a GED
Association of Godby Graduates' Legacy Scholarship
This scholarship was established by members of the Godby High School Alumni Association to provide funding assistance for graduates of Godby High School to attend Tallahassee State College to complete an A.A. or A.S. degree.
Aveling Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Pamela Aveling, an Alumni of Tallahassee State College, along with the support of the Aveling Family to assist students returning to college who have had a five or more year break in their education.
- Returning to college after five or more years since last attended
- Leon, Gadsden or Wakulla county resident
- Preference given first to women returning to school
- Demonstrate financial need
B-58 Scholarship
The B-58 scholarship was established by Sarah Stout, an Alumni of Tallahassee Community College and former TCC Foundation Scholarship Officer, along with her husband John to honor the memory of John's father, Lt. Col. William R. Stout, Sr. who served in the U.S. Air Force for 36 years.
- Dependent or spouse of active duty or retired military service member
- Demonstrate financial need
Bank of America Dream Makers Scholarship
Funding for this scholarship is provided by the Bank of America Foundation to give financial support to students who are the first in their family to attend college.
- Must be First Generation in their immediate family to attend college
- Demonstrate Financial Need
Barbara & Ted Judd Theater Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Ted Judd to provide funding for students in the TheatreTSC! program.
- Must be a participant or will be a participant in the TheatreTSC!
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Demonstrate financial need
Barfield Mock Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for a single parent to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Must be a single parent
- Resident of Leon or Wakulla county
- Preference given first to women
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Betty Jensen Global Horizons Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor Betty Jensen, former director for 30 years of the International Student Services organization at Tallahassee State College.
- Must be an enrolled International student in the first year of attendance at Tallahassee State College
Big Bend Law Enforcement Association Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students that have parents working in the law enforcement sector.
Bowers Scholarship
This scholarship is to help provide assistance to students who are graduates of a Leon county public high school who have special circumstances that made childhood challenging.
- Recent Leon county public high school graduate
- Minimum 2.5 high school GPA
- Difficult personal circumstances
Brandon M. King Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Freda King, an Alumni of Tallahassee State College, along with the support of the King Family to honor the memory of their son Brandon M. King who was killed on the line of active duty in Afghanistan.
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
Brian Gleason Scholarship
RECIPIENT CRITERIA: All contributions designated for the Fund shall be considered outright gifts to the Tallahassee Community College Foundation, subject to the following awarding criteria:
- Recipient is enrolled in the criminal justice program or Law Enforcement Academy.
- Recipient has suffered the loss of an immediate family member who was serving as a law enforcement officer or serving in any branch of the military at the time of the family member’s death.
Brian Swan Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Brian Swan and to provide financial assistance for students actively involved in TheatreTCC!, campus, and/or community activities.
- Currently involved in TheatreTCC!
- Active on campus and in the community
- Demonstrate financial need
Brigadier General & Mrs. William B. Webb Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Brigadier General William B. Webb and his wife Montserrat to provide financial assistance for military personnel, their dependents or survivors.
- Preference will be given to military personnel on active duty or those with an honorable discharge, their dependents or survivors
- Enrolled for 12 or more hours
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Demonstrate financial need
Brittany Maxwell Scholarship
Building Legacies Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a returning student who has not yet earned a degree.
- Returning woman with no previous degree completion
- A year or more break in education
- Preference given first to women returning to college
Campus USA Credit Union Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a resident of a county within the Campus USA Union field of membership.
-Residing in a county within a Campus USA Credit Union field of membership (Alachua, Clay, Columbia, Gadsden, Jefferson, Lake, Leon, Madison, Marion, Sumter, Suwannee or Wakulla)
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree
- Demonstrate financial need
Capital City Bank Associate Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to Capital City Bank associates or their spouses/children.
Criteria: The following criteria will be followed in administering these funds.
- Be a full or part-time associate of Capital City Bank in good standing.
- Have a minimum of 1 year of service with Capital City Bank.
- Take college level courses related to a career track or other degree requirements.
- Take no more than 6 credit hours per semester so as not to impact job performance.
- Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Spouses and children of associates are also eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Capital City Classic Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to graduating high school seniors.
- Recent high school graduate
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Demonstrate financial need
Capital Health Plan Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial support to students of Gadsden county who are interested in a career in the field of Healthcare.
- Resident of Gadsden county
- Enrolled in any TCC Healthcare program
Capital Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
This scholarship provides assistance to students currently enrolled in the TSC Nursing program.
- Currently enrolled in the Nursing program
- In good academic standing
Capital Women's Network - Dr. Mary L. Pankowski Scholarship
This scholarship was established by members of the Capital Women's Network to support students returning to college who have had a five or more year break in their education.
- Returning to college after five or more years since last attended
- Leon, Gadsden or Wakulla county resident
- Preference given first to women returning to school
- Demonstrate financial need
Chattahoochee Women's Club - Lena Carmichael Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Chattahoochee Women's Club to honor the memory of Lena Charmichael and to provide assistance to students accepted into one of TSC's Healthcare programs.
- Must be accepted into one of TSC's Healthcare programs
- Preference given first to Nursing students
- Resident of Gadsden county or graduated from a Gadsden county high school
Cherry Hall Alexander Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Cherry Alexander, an Alumni of Tallahassee State College, for students who demonstrate leadership and are considering pursuing the field of Library Science.
- Preference given first to students pursuing Library Science
- Demonstrate leadership
- Enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours
- Not receiving scholarships or other grants
Chris & Sally White Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance for a student residing in 32304 or recent graduation of James Rickards High School.
1. Resident of 32304
2. Recent Graduate of James Rickards High School
Christopher Fariello Scholarship Fund for Law Enforcement Scholarship
RECIPIENT CRITERIA: All contributions designated for the Fund shall be considered outright gifts to the Tallahassee State College Foundation, subject to the following awarding criteria:
- Recipient is enrolled in TSC’s Law Enforcement Academy – Florida Public Safety Institute.
- Recipient must be from Leon County
Chrystine B. Hamilton - TLH Kiwanis Northside Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Kiwanis Club of Northside Tallahassee to honor Christyne B. Hamilton and provide financial assistance to TSC students who live in Leon county and are involved in community projects.
- Resident of Leon county
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Preference given first to students who were active in Kiwanis and/or Key Clubs
Claudia Burton Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Claudia Burton to provide financial assistance to a student in the TSC Respiratory Care Program.
- Full Time
- 2.0 GPA
- Leon or Gadsden Resident
Clayton Homes - Applied Sciences Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide support for students pursuing a degree in the area of Business, Industry or Technology.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Business, Industry or Technology
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Communications & Humanities Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide support for students pursuing a degree in the area of Communications or Humanities.
- Students majoring in an area of Communications, Humanities, Art or Music
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Dental Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students currently enrolled in a TSC Dental Healthcare program.
- Accepted and enrolled in the TCC Dental Hygiene or Dental Assisting program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Healthcare Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students currently enrolled in any Healthcare program offered at Tallahassee State College.
- Currently enrolled student in a TSC Healthcare program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Performing Arts Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for students in the Theater and/or Forensics Program at TSC.
- Currently active on the TSC Forensics team or in TheatreTSC!
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Science & Math Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide support for students pursuing a degree in the area of Science or Math.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Science or Math
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Social Sciences Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide support for students pursuing a degree in the area of Behavioral Social Science or Education.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Behavioral Social Science or Education
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Student Accessibility Services Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students with disabilities who are attending Tallahassee State College.
- Have current documentation of a disability on file with the TSC Accessibility and Resource Center
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
Clayton Homes - Workforce Development Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide tuition assistance for any program offered through TSC Workforce Development.
- Specific to the individual programs offered and is determined by the Workforce Development staff
Committee of 99 - Chris Smith Law Enforcement Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Committee of 99 to honor the memory Officer Chris Smith who was killed on the line of active duty and to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy.
- Accepted to and/or currently enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy at FPSI
- First awarding preference given to members of the Leon County Sheriff's Office, Tallahassee Police Department & Jefferson County Sheriff's Office affiliates
- Must be a resident of Leon, Jefferson or Wakulla County
Committee of 99 - Dale Green Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Committee of 99 to honor the memory of Officer Dale Green and to provide financial assistance to deserving students enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy.
- Accepted to and/or currently enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement program at FPSI
- First awarding preference given to residents of Leon County
- Demonstrate financial need
Corbin Scott Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide funding for Gadsden high school graduating seniors who have exhibited outstanding citizenship and participation in extracurricular activities.
- Graduate of a Gadsden county high school
- Minimum 2.75 high school GPA
- Minimum 2.75 TCC GPA
- Active in extracurricular activities
Costopoulos Kubiak Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Larry Kubiak and the Costopoulos Kubiak Family to assist First Generation college students.
- Must be First Generation to attend college (parent or guardian has not completed a 4 year degree)
- Enrolled for 6 or more hours
- Be a Florida resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Crescent Moon Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide tuition support for students attending Tallahassee State College who have Sickle Cell Anemia.
Criminal Justice Education Assistance Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a graduate of the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy to further their education by seeking an A.S. degree in Criminal Justice at Tallahassee State College.
- Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy graduate
- Seeking an A.S. degree in Criminal Justice at TSC
- Currently enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours
Cumbie Family Scholarship
- Student must be enrolled in the TSC Cybersecurity AS Degree Program.
- Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
Curtis Varner Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Joan Varner to honor the memory of her husband Curtis Varner to provide program expenses for one selected student of the TCC A.S. Respiratory Care program.
- Newly accepted to the TSC Respiratory Care program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Maintain consecutive enrollment for a minimum of 12 hours per semester until program completion
- Preference given to individuals who intend to work in Respiratory Care in Tallahassee, Florida upon graduation
Cynthia Webb DeShazo Wingfield, RN Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to Nursing students.
-Must be accepted into TSC's Nursing program.
- GPA 3.0
D'Alemberte Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Jean & Richard D'Alemberte to honor the memory of their son Daniel D'Alemberte for providing financial assistance to continuing students at Tallahassee State College.
- Earned 12 college credit hours at TSC
- In good academic standing at TSC
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Preference given first to students not receiving any other financial aid
Davis/Godby High School Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Rochelle & James Davis to provide funding for Godby High School graduates to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Graduated from Godby High School in Tallahassee, FL
- Demonstrate financial need
DeLopez Baseball Scholarship
Athletic scholarships provide many student athletes a route to earning a college degree. This fund was created to provide tuition assistance to student athletes competing in TSC’s Baseball program.
- Student must be an athlete on the TSC Baseball Team.
- Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA for the duration of funds received.
- The Athletic Scholarship Committee will review applications as part of their scope of work and will award scholarships as listed above.
- Scholarship will be allocated in the following manner:
- Five student athletes will be selected per the recipient criteria outlined in this document.
- Each will receive a $500 Scholarship for Fall and Spring.
DeLopez Basketball Scholarship
5 Female Basketball players selected - $500 for fall & $500 for spring
Student must be a female athlete on the TSC Women’s Basketball Team. Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA for the duration of funds received. |
Dixon Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Kim and Sammie Dixon to assist members of the Boys and Girls Club of the Big Bend who are the First Generation in their family to attend college.
- A member of the Boys & Girls Club of the Big Bend
- Must be first generation to attend college (parent or guardian has not completed a 4 year degree)
- Enrolled for 6 or more hours
- Be a Florida resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Donald B. Sperry Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Todd Sperry to help assist students completing an A.A. or A.S. degree or certificate in Building & Construction Management.
- Currently enrolled in courses working towards completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree or certificate in Building & Construction Management
Donna Callaway Elementary Education Scholarship
- Student will be enrolled in TSC’s Elementary Education Bachelor’s Degree Program.
- Student will maintain a GPA of 3.0
Dorothy Binger Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Envision Credit Union to honor Dorothy Binger. Ms. Binger was the third employee hired at Tallahassee Junior College. Scholarship funds provide assistance to students who were in foster care as a youth.
- Have been in a foster care program
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
Dorothy Law Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. William Law, Jr to honor the memory of his mother Dorothy Law to provide financial assistance to graduates of PACE Center for Girls to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Graduated from PACE Center for Girls
Dr. Alice Nied Memorial Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Tom Nied in memory of his wife Alice, former Dean of healthcare professions at Tallahassee State College for the purpose of financial support for students currently enrolled in a TSC healthcare program.
- Minimum 2.7 GPA
- Seeking an A.S. degree in a healthcare professions
- Have been accepted into a TSC healthcare program
Dr. Bart Carey Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance Dental Students.
-Must be accepted into the Dental Program at TSC.
Dr. Elsie Burton Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Elsie Burton to provide financial assistance to students who have made a decision to return to college and complete their higher education.
- Must be a returning student
- Preference first given to women return to education
- Minimum 2.75 GPA
Dr. Frank Brown Chemistry Scholarship
The Dr. Frank Brown Chemistry Scholarship was established by Mrs. JoEllen Brown to honor the memory of her husband, former TSC science professor, Dr. Frank Brown.
- First awarding preference, students seeking A.A. degree with a pre-major of Chemistry
- Second awarding preference, students seeking A.A. degree with a pre-major of Biology
- Third awarding preference, students admitted to the TCC Nursing program
- Must be in good academic standing wtih a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher
Dr. Jessie V. Furlow Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the NHBW organization to honor Dr. Jessie V. Furlow for providing financial assistance to Gadsden county high school graduates attending Tallahassee State College.
- Priority given to seniors graduating from a Gadsden county high school
- Second preference awarding given to current TSC students who are Gadsden county residents
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Active in the community
Dr. John & Cecilia Keller Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. John Keller and his wife Cecilia for providing financial assistance to Florida residents pursuing an A.A. or A.S. degree attending Tallahassee State College.
- Must be seeking an A.A or A.S. degree
- Must have a minimum 3.2 GPA
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours
- Must be a Florida resident
- Must not be PELL eligible
Dr. Matthew Rasmussen Endowed Scholarship for Dental Assisting
Recipient should be a local aspiring young professional exploring a career path in the dental field, with a specific focus on Dental Assisting. The recipient should be passionate about patient care, and wanting to help others through their career choice in Dentistry.
Recipient must be a graduating high school student in Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson, or Wakulla County in good standing, or have graduated from such a program within the past 3 years. A student can qualify with a GED with proof of residence during high school years in these counties.
Dr. Samuel Meyer Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to graduating seniors from a Leon county high school who took part in school activities and within the community.
- Graduating senior from a Leon county high school or a Leon county resident
- Minimum 2.0 high school
- Participated in school extracurricular activities and/or community affairs
- Enrolled at TSC for 12 or more hours
Dream Big Scholarship
Karen & Richard Moore established the Dream Big scholarship to provide funding to a student graduating from the TSC Workforce Development GED program.
Eddie Boone Criminal Justice Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Leon County Sheriff's Office in honor of former sheriff Eddie Boone to provide funding assistance for students attending Tallahassee State College pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice.
- Pursuing an A.A. degree in Criminal Justice or an A.S degree in Criminal Justice Technology
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Have earned 24 credit hours
Edward Howard Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to honor the memory of Edward Howard for providing financial assistance to students with pre-majors in Mathematics or Mathematics Education.
- Resident of Gadsden, Leon or Wakulla county
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Full-time student (enrolled in 12 or more hours)
- Pre-major of Math or Science
- Preference given first to second year students interested in teaching
- Demonstrate financial need
Edwards Family Baseball Scholarship
Athletic scholarships provide many student athletes a route to earning a college degree. This fund was created to provide tuition assistance to student athletes competing in TSC’s Baseball program.
- Student must be an athlete on the TSC Baseball Team.
- Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA for the duration of funds received.
EMT/EMS Program Scholarship
1. Student entering or already enrolled in the TSC EMT Program
2. GPA of 3.0 or higher
Fischer Fund For Entrepreneurship Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide scholarship funds and program support to the Scholars Program at TSC.
FL First Generation Matching Grant
-FL Resident and U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen
-Enroll in a minimum of 6 credit hours per term as a degree-seeking undergraduate student
-Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress
-Demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA and providing to the school
-Not owe a repayment or be in default under any state or Federal grant, loan, or scholarship program
-Not previously received a baccalaureate degree
-Parent(s) have not earned a baccalaureate or higher degree
-Must submit the TSC Scholarship Application to be considered
Florida Blue Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Florida Blue for providing financial assistance to First Generation students accepted into TSC's Nursing or other TSC offered Healthcare programs.
- Accepted or currently enrolled in the Nursing program or other TSC Healthcare program
- Must be First Generation in their immediate family to attend college
- Must be a Florida resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Florida Blue Scholarship - Dental
1. Student entering or enrolled in TSC's Dental Program.
2. Student must have GPA of 3.0
Follett Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Follett Higher Education Group, a family-owned bookstore provider that has operated for over 100 years and provides funding for students for course textbooks and materials.
Follett opened its bookstore on the main TSC campus in April 2005.
Foundation Opportunity Non-Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for a determined greatest student need at the time of awarding.
- Student need and awarding criteria are determined by the TSC Foundation Scholarship Committee
Fred W. Turner Signature Seat Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Fred W. Turner and to provide financial assistance to students actively involved in theater, dance, or the arts at Tallahassee State College.
- Currently active in TheatreTSC! and/or Forensics
- Recent Leon, Gadsden or Wakulla county high school graduates
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Gadsden Learn Scholarship
This endowment was established by generous private donations from individuals dedicated to Gadsden county for providing tuition assistance to graduating high school seniors from Gadsden county to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Current high school senior graduating from a Gadsden county public or private school or home schooled
- Minimum 3.0 final high school GPA
Gadsden Workforce Development Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who are enrolled in TSC Workforce Development programs that are held only in Gadsden county.
- Specific to the individual programs offered with awarding determined by the Workforce Development staff
Gene & Anne Michael Walton Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Susan & Gene Walton to honor the memory of Gene's parents Gene & Anne Michael Walton for providing financial assistance to students enrolled in any of TSC's Healthcare programs.
- Currently enrolled in one of TCC's Healthcare programs
- Must be a returning student
- Demonstrate financial need
GFWC Woman's Club of Tallahassee Scholarship
This scholarship was created by the GFWC Woman's Club of Tallahassee to provide tuition assistance for a student returning to college.
- Individual whose has had a break in their education
- Preference given first to women returning to school
GFWC Woman's Club of Tallahassee Scholarship - Workforce GED
This scholarship was created by the GFWC Woman's Club of Tallahassee to provide tuition assistance for a student returning to college.
- Individual whose has had a break in their education
- Preference given first to women returning to school
GM STEM Scholarship
Earned 30 hours or less
U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
Submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Application at https://fafsa.gov/
Majoring in a STEM subject area
Demonstrate Financial Need
Letters of recommendation
The GM-STEM scholarship provides an award of $6,000 per year ($2,000 each semester) for the duration of two years.
The application is open to new and current TSC students who are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with documented financial need to be eligible. Applicants must have completed 30 credit hours or LESS at the submission date.
Please note, the application website will time out after 45 minutes, it is best to periodically save your progress. If you need to quit working for an extended period of time, be sure to save the information you have entered before doing so. For proper functionality, this application works best with the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox browser. If you are using Google Chrome please be aware that your completed information may not save.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation once you have submitted your application.
Gretna Presbyterian Church Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Gretna Presbyterian Church to provide tuition assistance to graduating high school seniors from Gadsden county to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Current high school senior graduating from a Gadsden county public or private school or home schooled
- Minimum 3.0 final high school GPA
GTO Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students ineligible to receive the Federal PELL Grant.
- Currently enrolled at Tallahassee State College
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Ineligible for PELL grant funding as determined by a currently submitted FAFSA
Guy A. Race Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Guy A. Race and provides financial assistance to students who are recent graduates of a Gadsden County high school.
- Recent Gadsden county high school graduate
- Minimum 2.0 high school GPA
- Enrolled for 12 credit hours
- Active in community affairs
Gwen Parker Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to honor the memory of Gwen Parker to provide financial assistance to students majoring in Math or Science.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Math or Science
Harris First Generation Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to First Generation Students.
Havana Kiwanis Club Scholarship
This scholarship was established by members of the Havana Kiwanis Club to provide financial assistance to Gadsden county high school graduates.
- Must be a resident with a 32333 or 32343 zip code
- Demonstrate financial need
Helios 1st Generation Scholarship
Funding for this scholarship is provided by the Helios Foundation to give financial assistance to students who are the first in their family to attend college with preference given to students who intend to complete a degree in an area of Education.
- Must be First Generation in their immediate family to attend college
- Preference is given first to students preparing for a career in Education with intent to become a teacher in Florida
Heroes in Public Safety - EMT/EMS
1. For student entering or enrolled in TSC's EMT or EMS Program.
2. Student must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
3. Student must want to say in Leon, Wakulla or Gadsden County upon graduation.
Heroes in Public Safety - Fire Academy
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to student's enrolled in the Fire Academy at the TSC Florida Public Safety Institute.
Heroes in Public Safety - Law Enforcement & Corrections Program
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to student's enrolled in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Program at TSC's Florida Public Safety Institute.
Home Instead Healthcare Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Scott Harrell to provide financial support to students accepted into one of TSC's Healthcare programs.
- Must be recently accepted into a TCC Healthcare program
Howard & Lillian Crews Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to continuing TSC students who demonstrate financial need with preference given to students who are married.
- Current or rising TSC sophomore
- Have completed two semesters at TSC
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Preference given first to married students
- Demonstrate financial need
Irvine Leonard Welding Scholarship
- Must be a student in at least the second semester of the TCC Welding Program (not the first semester).
- Student must demonstrate financial need. They may not be Pell Eligible nor receive funding for tuition from their employer.
- Preference will be given to a student that is a resident of Leon County, Wakulla, Gadsden, Franklin or Jefferson County.
- Preference will be given to a returning female student.
IT Scholarship Fund
1. Student with a major in information technology
2. From Leon, Wakulla or Gadsden County
3. GPA of 3.0 or higher
Jacquelyn Burroughs Dial Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide funding to students returning to college.
- Have had a break in education
- Preference given first to women returning to college
Jane Cummings Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide funding for tuition for four semesters at Tallahassee State College to a recent graduate of Lincoln High School in Tallahassee, FL.
Jean & Charlie Macon Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Jean & Charlie Macon to provide financial assistance for a determined greatest student need at the time of awarding.
- Student need and awarding criteria are determined by the TSC Foundation Scholarship Committee
Jeanie Barnett Scholarship
- Preference given to female, over the age of 40
- First in their family to go to college
- Must exhibit financial need per a submitted FAFSA (not Pell eligible)
Jeff Bradford Excellence in Music Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Janet Hinkle to provide financial assistance to a Godby High School graduate who was a member of the Godby band during all four years of high school.
- Godby High School graduate
- Must have been a Godby band member
- Preference given to graduates who were band members for 4 years
Jenkins Brick Scholarship
This scholarship was established for providing financial assistance to students who have been active in their community and/or at Tallahassee State College.
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Have an active role in the community and/or at TSC
Jimmie Callaway Endowed Scholarship
RECIPIENT CRITERIA: All contributions designated for the Fund shall be considered outright gifts to the Tallahassee State College Foundation, subject to the following awarding criteria:
- Recipient is enrolled in enrolled in the Aspire (TSC2FSU) program, and will attend FSU upon their graduation from TSC.
- Student must be from Leon County.
Joe Wedeles Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to Gadsden county high school graduates newly currently enrolled at Tallahassee State College.
- Graduate of a Gadsden county high school
- Pursuing a degree in Business, Teacher Education or Nursing
- Minimum 3.0 high school GPA or minimum 2.5 college GPA
John Russi/Recovery Industry Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to children of Florida Law Enforcement Officers.
- Must be a child of a Florida Law Enforcement Officer
- Preference given first to children whose parent or guardian died on the line of duty and were licensed as Collateral Recovery Agents, Private Investigators, or Private Security Officers under Chapter 493, Florida Statute
Johnny Arrington Scholarship
The Johnny Arrington scholarship was established by Dr. Linda Recio to honor the memory of her late husband Mr.Johnny Arrington. Mr. Arrington was a former building contractor in the Tallahassee area. This scholarship is to assist TSC students pursuing an A.S. degree in Building and Construction.
- Students seeking an A.S. degree in Building and Construction
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Preference given to students who intend on on working in Leon or surrounding counties after graduation
Johnson Browning Hendley Graham Verdun Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provided financial assistance to a Gadsden or Leon resident.
* Must be a Gadsden or Leon County resident
* Must maintain a 2.75 or higher grade point average
* Must demonstrate need through a FAFSA
* Preference given to African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, People of Color
Johnston Scholarship
This scholarship was established for students in the Truck Driving, Applied Cybersecurity, and CNC Maching Programs.
Joi Walker & Carol Zimmerman Women in Science Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established in by the TSC Math & Science division in honor of Carol O. Zimmerman and Dr. Joi Walker, retired TSC Science and Math professors.
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Pursuing a degree in Science, Biological Science, Earth Science, or Physical Science
Josepha "Jeppa" Ribaudo Endowed
- Recipient must show the utmost dedication to patient care, compassion, excellence, high grades, professionalism, ethics, and leadership skills demonstrated like Jeppa Ribaudo exhibited in her 60-year career.
- Recipient must do their clinical training and begin their career working at Capital Regional Medical Center upon graduating from TSC’s nursing program.
Kay & Tinsley Floyd Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Kay & Tinsley Floyd to provide financial assistance to students pursuing an education at Tallahassee State College.
- Current graduating high school senior or current TSC student from Leon County
- Must be seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree
- First preference awarding given to women attending TSC
Kay Corbett Nursing Scholarship
1. Nursing student at Tallahassee State College, enrolled in the AS Degree Program.
2. Average Student as identified by their GPA - between 2. 75 and 3.0
Ken and Jean Boutwell Endowed Scholarship
To provide financial assistance to students engaged in TSC’s Black Male Achievers Program and Sister2Sister Program.
- Student engaged in BMA and S@S programs at TSC or children of immigrants.
- Financial need as demonstrated through a FAFSA
- Must maintain a 2.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled in at least 9 hours per semester.
- Four students will be awarded each fall a $500 scholarship.
- If student(s) is a First Generation student, this tuition will be matched by First Generation Matching funds for a $500 spring scholarship.
- Students will continue to receive this scholarship until they graduate.
Kyle Everett Broach & Courtney Segler Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Kyle Evertt Broach and Courtney Segler for providing tuition assistance to students enrolled in a Workforce Development Program.
Student must demonstrate financial need
Student must enrolled in a Workforce Development Program
Lamar & Pearl Youngblood Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students who are residents of an unincorporated area or incorporated municipality with a population less than 20,000.
- Minimum 3.5 GPA
Lamont and Johnnie Cook Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students enrolled in the Building and Construction Management A.S. program.
* Must be enrolled in the Building and Construction Management A.S. Program
* Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
Lauren Sampson Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Sandy Sampson to honor the memory of her daughter Lauren Sampson for providing financial assistance to students majoring in Education.
- Pursuing a degree in Education
- Enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours
Lawrence "Larry" Gerrell Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students formally in foster care, orphaned or from a single parent home.
- Resident of Leon county
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Formerly in a foster care, orphaned or from a single parent home
- Preference given first to students majoring in Nursing or Law Enforcement
- Demonstrate financial need
Leadership Tallahassee Class XIV Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Leadership Tallahassee Class XIV to provide financial assistance to a student who had a child during their high school years, took no break in their education and is newly or currently enrolled at Tallahassee State College.
- Preference given first to women attending TSC
- Took part in a teen parent program
- Received a high school diploma or a GED
Lee Mainella Memorial Art Scholarship
The Lee Mainella Memorial Art scholarship was established by Fran Mainella in memory of her husband, Lee Mainella. Mr. Mainella's love of art led to the establishment of the Florida Art Center and Gallery in Havana, FL.
- Students enrolled in visual arts classes or with a pre-major in an area of visual arts
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
Les Kennedy Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy at FPSI.
- Accepted to and/or currently enrolled in the Law Enforcement Academy program
- Demonstrate financial need
Line Grant Scholarship - EMT
1. Student in the TSC EMT or EMS Program.
2. GPA must be 3.0 or higher.
Line Grant Scholarship - Nursing
1. Student must be accepted/enrolled in the TSC Nursing Program.
2. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
Line Grant Scholarship - Radiology Tech
1. Student must be accepted/enrolled in the TSC Rad Tech Program.
2. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
Line Grant Scholarship - Respiratory Care
1. Student must be accepted/enrolled in the TSC Respiratory Care Program.
2. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
Line Grant Scholarship - Surgical Tech
1. Student must be accepted/enrolled in the TSC Surgical Tech Program.
2. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
Louis Hill Sr. Scholarship
This scholarship was established for students who are currently enrolled in a TSC Healthcare program and are beginning or currently in their second year of college.
- Currently enrolled in a TSC Healthcare program
- Preference given first to second year students
- Demonstrate financial need
Lovey Mary Brady Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Elva & Tom Brady to honor the memory of Lovey Mary Brady and provides full program tuition and fees expenses to a newly accepted student to the TSC Nursing program.
- Accepted to the TSC A.S. Nursing program
- Must maintain consistent program enrollment
- Preference given first to women
- Ineligible for PELL grant funding as determined by a currently submitted FASFA
Loyalty Credit Union Law Enforcement Scholarship
Lucile Rentz Kimbrel Hemanes Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students who attended PACE Center for Girls and have continued on to Tallahassee Community College.
- Minimum B average while attending PACE
- Demonstrate financial need
Lynda Sims Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a student demonstrating financial need attending TSC.
Demonstrate financial need
Full-time student in an AA or AS Degree Program
Must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA
Mainline Information Systems Scholarship - Dental
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Beatitude Foundation to provide financial assistance to help students with support training to improve employability and upward mobility.
Mainline Information Systems Scholarship - Workforce
TSC Foundation Scholarship
Purpose: To provide tuition assistance to a student enrolled in a TSC Workforce Development Program
- Criteria:
- Student must be enrolled in a TSC Continuing Workforce Education (CWE) or Post-Secondary Adult Vocational (PSVA) training program
- Student must display financial need
- Applicants must be residents of Leon, Gadsden or Wakulla County
Marie Daughtry Williams Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Kim B. Williams to honor the memory of his mother Marie Daughtry Williams for providing assistance to students accepted into the TSC Nursing program.
- Have official acceptance into the TCC Nursing program
- Must be a graduate of a Leon, Gadsden, or Wakulla county high school
Mark Dougherty Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students continuing with a second consecutive semester of enrollment at Tallahassee State College.
- Completed a minimum of 12 hours the semester before awarding
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Seeking an A.A. degree
- Preference given first to students majoring in an area of Social Science
Marshall Cassedy Pay for Grades Scholarship
This scholarship was founded by Marshall Cassedy to provide financial assistance to students at Tallahassee State College who are involved in the Fostering Achievement Fellowship program.
- Currently enrolled at Tallahassee State College
- Are active in the Fostering Achievement Fellowship program
- In good academic standing
Mary Anne Butler Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Miller Butler to honor Mary Anne Butler for providing funding to students in the TSC Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting programs.
- Awarded to the highest achieving dental hygiene and dental assisting student of the current academic year
Mary Lois King Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to honor the memory of Mary Lois King and to provide financial assistance to students pursuing degrees in Math or Science.
- Currently enrolled at TSC
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Math or Science
Marylou & John R. Madigan Excellence in Teaching Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Marylou & John Madigan to provide financial assistance to students pursuing a career in teaching.
- Currently enrolled as a part or full-time student
- Students with a pre-major of Education and with the intention to teach
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Melvin Stone Scholarship
Established by Melvin Stone, this scholarship is awarded to students who have been accepted to the Fire Academy program at the Florida Public Safety Institute.
- Accepted to and/or currently enrolled in the Fire Academy program at FPSI
Montserrat & William B. Webb Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Brigadier General William B. Webb and his wife Montserrat to assist students who have financial need.
- Currently enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours
- Preference given first to students who are of Hispanic descent
- Demonstrate financial need
Moore Veteran's Leadership Academy Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Karen & Richard Moore to provide funding for U.S. Veterans attending Tallahassee State College.
- Active in the TSC Veteran Leadership Academy program
- Have been honorably discharged
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Preference given to Veterans with community service involvement
Nan C. & Mark Hillis Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Nan & Mark Hillis to provide assistance to students who have been accepted into one of TSC's A.S. Healthcare programs or the TSC B.S.N. Nursing program.
- Accepted or currently enrolled in one of TSC's A.S. Healthcare programs or the TSC B.S.N. Nursing program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Nancy Hicks Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to returning students majoring in Business.
- Must be a returning student with a minimum of 1 year out of college
- Students with a pre-major in Business
- Have completed at least one semester at TSC
- Demonstrate financial need
Nancy Simmons Bull Educational Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Nancy & Robert Bull to provide assistance to students pursuing a degree in Education.
- Students with a pre-major of Education
- Minimum 3.2 GPA
- Demonstrates financial need
Nathan E. Rodgers Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Betty Ann & Dr. Jim Rodgers to honor the memory of their son Nathan E. Rodgers for providing funding to students attending Tallahassee State College who have a hearing impairment.
- Newly or currently enrolled at TSC
- Have a hearing impairment
- Preference given first to residents of Gadsden county
Nathan E. Rodgers Scholarship - Gadsden
This scholarship was established by Betty Ann & Dr. Jim Rodgers to honor the memory of their son Nathan E. Rodgers for providing funding to students attending Tallahassee State College who have a hearing impairment or students from Gadsden County.
- Must reside in Gadsden County
- Newly or currently enrolled at TSC
- GPA - 2.5
- AA Degree Seeking
New Start - David & Nancy Lawrence Scholarship
The New Start Scholarship in Memory of David and Nancy Lawrence was established to assist young individuals who have had involvement with the Juvenile Justice system and who want to create a New Start by attending Tallahassee State College. This scholarship is supported by a large number of members of the community who believe that with a New Start, these students can and will better their future lives through learning.
- Must have had involvement with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
Nobles Consulting Group Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Allen Nobles for providing assistance to students currently enrolled in a TSC survey course at Tallahassee State College.
- Enrolled in survey course offered at TSC or have previously completed a survey course
- Current member of the Florida Survey Mapping Society
Oertel Baseball Scholarship
Athletic scholarships provide many student athletes a route to earning a college degree. This fund was created to provide tuition assistance to student athletes competing in TSC’s Baseball program.
- Student must be an athlete on the TSC Baseball Team.
- Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA for the duration of funds received.
Oliver/Sperry Renovation First Generation Godby High School Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to recent Amos P. Godby High School graduate.
-Must be a recent high school graduate of Amos. P. Godby High School
-Must be first generation to attend college
Oliver/Sperry Renovation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Todd Sperry to help assist students completing an A.S. degree or certificate in Building & Construction Management.
- Currently enrolled in courses working towards completion of an A.S. degree or certificate in Building & Construction Management
Palmer Munroe Teen Center Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Anne Vinson for providing assistance to members of the Palmer Munroe Teen Center for tuition expenses at Tallahassee State College.
- Members of the Palmer Munroe Teen Center
- Must be enrolled for a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester attending
- Must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 or higher
Pamela Phelps Early Education Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Pamela Phelps to provide financial assistance to students completing the Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC formerly CDA) with intention to complete a degree in Early Childhood Development and Education.
- Have a minimum of five years of experience working with children
- Continuing student at TSC
- Not be receiving other aid during the awarding semester
- Only loan eligible
Panacea Waterfronts Florida Partnership Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Panacea Waterfronts Florida Partnership to fund students attending Tallahassee State College who are residents of Panacea, FL.
- Must have a Panacea residential address
- Seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree or a Workforce Development program certificate
- Must be in good academic standing
Pathways To Success Scholarship
To provide tuition assistance to a student enrolled in a TSC Workforce Development Program
- Student must be residents of Leon, Gadsden or Wakulla County
For continuing tuition awards:
Applicant must meet and maintain TSC's Satisfactory Academic Progress as outlined in the TSC catalog and student handbook and must have acceptable attendance as outlined by the Adult Education attendance policy.
For the $30 tuition waiver:
An applicant must have a Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE) within 3 calendar months prior to the scholarship application with a TABE grade equivalent of 6 in at least two subject areas and grade equivalent of 9 or above in other areas or applicant must have received GED Ready score of "Likely to Pass" in at least one sub-test, the student must have earned a "Likely to Pass" score for the sub-test area to be taken. Only one $32 award per sub-test area is allowed.
Submit an essay:
What is your strategy for achieving academic success in the Adult Education Program? How will obtaining your GED contribute to your immediate or long term career goals? Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability both in and out of school.
Paying It Forward Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Kim Moore, an Alumni of Tallahassee Community College and current Vice-President of TSC Workforce Development, for providing tuition assistance to students enrolled in Continuing Workforce Education (CWE) and/or Post Secondary Vocational (PSVA) training programs.
- Enrolled in Continuing Workforce Education (CWE) or Post-Secondary Vocational (PSVA) programs
Performing Arts (FATO) Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to TSC students who are currently active in TheatreTSC!
- Actively involved in TheatreTSC!
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
This scholarship was established to reward students who exhibit academic excellence and participate in campus wide activities and events at Tallahassee State College.
- Active member of TSC's Rho Tau Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
- Currently enrolled student
- Minimum 3.25 GPA
Premier Bank Directors Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide tuition assistance to graduating high school seniors from Gadsden county to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Current high school senior graduating from a Gadsden county public or private school or home schooled
- Minimum 3.0 final high school GPA
President's Circle Exceptional Education Scholarship
- Student will be enrolled in TSC’s Exceptional Education Bachelor’s Degree Program.
- Student will maintain a GPA of 3.0
Radiologic Technology Scholarship
1. Student must already be enrolled in the Rad Tech Program.
2. Student must have a GPA of 2.75 or better.
Ray Glenn Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to honor the memory of Ray Glenn and to provide financial assistance to students majoring in an area of Math or Science.
- Enrolled in MAC 2311 or completed in previous term
- Completed a minimum of 6 hours of mathematics at TSC
- Minimum 3.5 GPA in all mathematics courses
- Minimum 3.0 overall GPA
- Completed at least 12 hours at TSC
- Completed a minimum of 6 hours of science at TSC
- Minimum 3.5 GPA in all science courses
Reverend Elijah Henderson Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Debra Henderson to provide assistance to residents of Jefferson or Madison county to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Resident of Jefferson or Madison county
- Demonstrate financial need
Richard W. and Karen B. Moore Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Karen & Richard Moore to provide financial assistance to students who are returning to college focusing on a degree in Education or Business.
- Must be a student returning to college
- Preference given first to women returning to school
- Pursuing a degree in Education or Business
- Demonstrate financial need
Rick & Melissa Moore BSN Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to current employees of Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare (TMH) who are seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (B.S.N.) and are currently employees of TMH.
- Must be accepted into the TSC B.S.N. Nursing program
- Must be a current employee of Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
Rick Rice Graphic Design Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students focusing on Graphic Design programs at Tallahassee State College.
- Must be currently enrolled in a graphic design course
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Robert Mark Whitton Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to graduates of the Tallahassee Associated Marine Institute (AMI) program to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Graduate of the Tallahassee AMI program
- Completed a high school diploma or a GED
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tallahassee Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tallahassee to provide assistance to students accepted or enrolled in one of TSC's Healthcare programs.
- Must have official acceptance into one of TSC's Healthcare programs
- Enrolled program must be for credit courses
Rotary Club of Tallahassee - Leon Gilchrist Habitat Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Rotary Club of Tallahassee to provide funding for residents of a Big Bend Habitat for Humanity home to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Current resident at a Big Bend Habitat for Humanity home
- Seeking a GED, A.S. degree or Workforce Development program certification
Roy Jaeger Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a son or daughter of an active-duty Law Enforcement Officer.
- Must be a son or daughter of an active-duty Law Enforcement Officer
- Full-time student (enrolled in 12 or more hours)
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Demonstrate financial need
Sam & Nell Cunningham Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Nell & Sam Cunningham to provide assistance to students enrolled in the TSC Nursing program.
- Must be currently enrolled in the TSC Nursing program
Scadron Memorial Education Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide tuition assistance to graduating high school seniors from Gadsden county to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Current high school senior graduating from a Gadsden County public or private school or home schooled
- Minimum 3.0 final high school GPA
SCM Women in Technology Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Michele Shapley to provide funding for students pursuing a degree in areas related to Technology.
- Seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree in a field of Technology
- Preference given first to women
Scott & Tazumi Scearce Cyber Security Scholarship
PURPOSE OF THE FUND: This scholarship was established to aid the student in their journey of growth and self-improvement. It is a pathway to the financial and personal rewards awaiting those scholars willing to work for their goals.
Full-time student in the Cyber Security AS Degree Program
Demonstrate financial need
Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA
Graduate of a Leon or Wakulla County High School
Scott & Tazumi Scearce Exceptional Student Education Scholarship In Memory of Denise Keller
- Full-time student in TSC’s Exceptional Student Education Bachelor Degree Program
- Demonstrate financial need
- Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Graduate of a Leon or Wakulla County High School
Scott & Tazumi Scearce Nursing Scholarship
- Full-time student in the TSC Nursing AS Degree Program
- Demonstrate financial need
- Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Have a recommendation from a TSC Nursing Professor
- Graduate of a Leon or Wakulla County High School
- First Generation Student
- Scholarship is intended for 1 student over the academic year.
Sharon Jefferson Endowed Scholarship
- Student must be a returning student
- Student must maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Student must be from Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden, Escambia or Santa Rosa County.
Sharon Lehayne Vause Scholarship
This scholarship was established by J. Lee Vause to honor the memory of Sharon LaHayne Vause for providing financial assistance to students pursuing a Nursing degree with interest in the field of Geriatrics.
- Enrolled in the TSC Nursing program
- Preference given to students considering working in Geriatrics
Signature Seat Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial support to students involved in the TheatreTSC!
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Currently active in TheaterTSC!
Sopchoppy Resident Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to residents of Sopchoppy.
- Resident of Sopchoppy
- Demonstrate financial need
- In good academic standing
Stubbs' Educational Foundation Scholarship
The income of the Fund will be used to support scholarship awards to undergraduate AA deg
- Student shall be an AA or AS Degree seeking student at Tallahassee State College.
- Preference will be given to a student that has been involved in a music program or private music instruction.
- Student shall maintain a GPA of a 3.0 or higher and this scholarship(s) may be renewed for an additional year.
- Preference shall be given to local students graduating in the following counties in Florida - Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, Jefferson and in Georgia - Grady & Thomas.
Student Government Association Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students actively involved in TSC's Student Government Association.
- Current member of the Tallahassee State College Student Government Association (SGA)
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
Tallahassee Civitan - Jimmy & Sherrill Ragans Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students involved in community activities and planning on attending or currently attending Tallahassee State College.
- Preference given first to students who were member of Junior Civitan or an equivalent high school club or organization
- Second priority awarding given to graduates of PACE Center for Girls
- Demonstrate financial need
Tallahassee Housing Authority Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Tallahassee Housing Authority to provide tuition assistance for residents of the community allowing them the opportunity to complete their high school education by obtaining a GED through Workforce Development or a degree program at TSC.
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students who have been accepted into a TSC Healthcare program which includes an employment contract at Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare upon graduation.
- Accepted or currently enrolled in a Tallahassee State College Healthcare program
Tallahassee Solar Scholarship
This scholarship was established to assist a Science/Math student.
Target Print & Mail Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Tracey & Jeremy Cohen to fund students who are pursuing a degree in Business or Marketing and to help contribute to the mission of reducing unemployment in the local area.
- Seeking a degree in Business or Marketing
- Preference given to individuals who intend to stay in Leon county after graduation
- Demonstrate financial need
The Hero Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a student veteran.
The Keys Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students with a disability who are attending Tallahassee State College.
Scholarships for students who are attending TSC in the “Eagle Connections” program and have a documented intellectual disability that impacts progression in a standard curriculum in pursuit of a postsecondary degree or certificate. A student’s intellectual disability must be documented through a physician’s note, individualized education plan (“IEP”) or private school equivalent.
TheatreTSC! Scholarship
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must participate in a minimum of one theatre production each semester (as a performer or crew member)
- Must enroll for and successfully complete a minimum of two credit hours of theatre and/or forensics classes each semester
These classes include: THE 2000 (Theatre Appreciation), THE 2090 (Play Production), THE 2100 (Theatre History), TPA 1200 (Stagecraft), TPP 2110 (Fundamentals of Acting), TPP 2111 (Advanced Acting), TPP 2120 (Creative Improvisation), TPP 2250 (Musical Theatre), ORI 2000 (Oral Interpretation of Literature), SPC 2512 (Parliamentary Debate), and SPC 2594/2595 (Speech & Debate Workshop)
Tinsley Floyd Athletic Book Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Athletics Department to provide book financial assistance to current TSC student athletes.
Trulight Christian Leadership & Character
TSC Alumni Association Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
The TSC Alumni Association scholarship provides financial assistance to returning students to attend Tallahassee State College.
- Must be a returning student
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Earned 12 credit hours and currently enrolled in 6 or more hours
- Seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree
- Demonstrate financial need
TSC Bookstore Credit
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Follett Higher Education Group, a family-owned bookstore provider that has operated for over 100 years and provides funding for students for course textbooks and materials.
Follett opened its bookstore on the main TSC campus in April 2005.
TSC Boys State & Girls State Scholarship
- Complete the annual Florida American Legion’s Boys and Girls State Program
- Show satisfactory academic preparation
- Must be the top students in the annual program and plan on attending TSC for an Associate degree
- Current Florida high school Junior
TSC Brain Bowl Scholarship
- Have a letter of recommendation from previous coach or tryout
- Must be willing to attend practices and tournaments as required by coaches
TSC Chapter of the AFC Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a current Tallahassee State College AFC member or the member's dependent/spouse.
- Current member of the TSC Chapter of the AFC or dependent or spouse of a member
TSC District Scholarship
- Must be nominated by high school guidance counselor or principal
- Minimum 1170 SAT Score or minimum 26 ACT Composite Score
- Minimum 3.3 weighted cumulative GPA
- Campus involvement, excellent campus citizenship, and attend on-campus interview
TSC Eyrie
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must enroll in JOU 2440L (Literary Magazine Production)
TSC Fire Academy Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a student enrolled in the TSC Fire Academy.
TSC First Eagles Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students who are the first in their immediate family to attend college.
- Must be First Generation to attend college (parent or guardian has not completed a 4 year college degree)
- Enrolled for 6 or more hours
- Be a Florida resident
- Demonstrate financial need
TSC Honors Program Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to new and current students actively participating in the Honors Program at TSC. The goal of the TSC Honors Program is to provide challenging academic experiences with an emphasis on personal and academic success for motivated students. After successful completion of the Honors Program, students earn an Honors Degree recognized on all transcripts and diplomas. Current TSC Honors Program Scholarship awardees may apply for a second year, but do not receive preference.
Qualifications (All applicants must be admitted to the Honors Program)
Please provide proof of one of the following:
First Time in College
- Minimum SAT score
On or after June 27, 2016: SAT Redesign - 1240 (evidence-based reading, writing,
and math)
SAT 2017 Redesign - 62 (combined score for verbal and mathematics)
- Minimum ACT score of 25
- Minimum 3.5 unweighted high school cumulative GPA
- Graduation in the top 10% of high school class
Current, Dual Enrolled, Returning and Transfer Students
- Minimum 3.25 cumulative college GPA
- Minimum of 12 hours of earned college credit with the ability to complete 6 Honors courses
- Maximum completion of 36 hours of earned college credit with the ability to complete 6 Honors courses (Students who have earned more than 36 college credit hours and/or a degree already do not qualify)
Current TCC Honors Students
- Active status in the Honors Program
- Maximum completion of 36 hours of earned college credit with the ability to complete course registration requirements
For more information regarding the TSC Honors Program, please visit www.tcc.fl.edu/honors
TSC Last Mile Scholarship
TSC Model UN Scholarship
- Must be a current high school senior
- Minimum 2.75 high school GPA
- Demonstrate expertise in conference position paper resolution writing, as well as caucusing and skills in diplomacy practiced at the Tallahassee Southern MUN(TSMUN) conference
- Must be an active participant in the TSC Model United Nations program while attending TSC
- Must attend the TSMUN Conference at TSC
TSC Peer Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship is to recognize outstanding graduating seniors from Leon, Gadsden, and Wakulla county. Scholarships are awarded to nominees based on high school guidance counselor or principal recommendations.
- Must be nominated by a high school guidance counselor or principal
- Complete the on-line scholarship application which includes essay, Community Service Statement and two letters of recommendation
- Submit a copy of high school transcripts
TSC S.T.E.M. Council Scholarship
The scholarship is designed to increase workforce in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The STEM STAR program recruits, mentors, and supports academically talented freshman who demonstrate financial need, for up to two years.
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Enrolled full-time in an Associate degree program leading to a career in the STEM fields and/or Baccalaureate degree in: Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Sciences, Geosciences, Engineering, Technology, Information Technology, Mathematics or Physical Sciences
- Demonstrate academic potential or ability with a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by the U.S. Department of Education Rules
- Allied Health Care Majors are excluded
TSC Science/Math Endowment
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to provide financial assistance for students major in areas of Math or Science.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Math or Science
TSC Student Ambassador Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to new and returning Tallahassee State College students. Student Ambassadors represent the college in several different capacities and help aid the support for TSC in both student recruitment and retention efforts.
- Minimum 2.75 high school GPA for freshman applicants
- Minimum 2.75 college GPA for sophomore applicants
- Essay explaining why you will make a strong candidate
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Must demonstrate strong communication skills in required applicant meeting and individual interview
- Work well with others and enjoy working as part of a team
- Demonstrate the potential to be a strong representative for the college
TSC Talon Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in JOU 2402L
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Write articles, editorials, advertisements, and other items for the TSC Talon
TSC Workforce Development Endowment
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to students enrolled in a TSC Workforce Development program. The scholarship provides funding for program tuition and fees for Continuing Workforce Education (CWE) and Post-Secondary Adult Vocational (PSAV) training programs.
- Must not have previously received a Workforce Development scholarship
- Must submit 2 letters of recommendation
- Must be fully admitted into a qualifying PSAV program
- Demonstrate financial need
Qualified programs for continuing Workforce Education applicants:
Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Building Analyst, Green Supply Chain Professional, Indoor Air Quality Manager, Indoor Environmentalist, Solar Photovoltaic, Thermal Solar Hot Water, Weatherization Technician, Cyber Security, SharePoint User Services, Production Technician, Electronic Systems Associate, Lean Manufacturing, Logic Controllers, Quality Assurance, Surface to Mount Technician, Certified Financial Planner, Insurance Claims Adjustor, Personal Lines Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, Project Management, Business & Technical Writing, Essentials of Human Resources, Non-Profit Management, Human Resources Professional, First Line Supervision, Event Planning.
Qualified programs for Post-Secondary Vocational (PSAV) applicants:
Cyber-Security, HVAC, Machining, Welding.
Must be identified as having a financial need, but not meet the requirements to receive federal student aid.
Ultimate Mom Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Angela Wyche to help assist an individual who is returning to college after a break in their education.
- Must be a returning student
- Enrolled for 3 or more hours
- Preference given to applicants who have completed less than 12 hours
- Preference given first to single mothers (sole supporter of children in the home)
Uptown Café Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Beth Tedio, an Alumni of Tallahassee State College, owner of Uptown Cafe and a current TSC Foundation board member, to provide assistance to current Uptown Cafe employees, high school band members or students demonstrating financial need.
- First priority awarding given to current Uptown Cafe employees attending TSC
- Second priority awarding given to high school students who were band members for four years
- Third priority awarding given to students demonstrating financial need
Visconti Children's Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was created for those attending Tallahassee State college who have been through the foster care system.
- Have been in a foster care program
- Preference given first to students who were in a foster care program at the time of high school graduation or GED completion
Wakulla Academic Boosters Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established by the many donor members of the Wakulla Academic Boosters organization and is awarded to graduating seniors from Wakulla High School who will be attending Tallahassee State College.
Wakulla Chamber - Burt Poole Scholarship
This scholarship was established for members of the Wakulla Chamber of Commerce to provide tuition funding for courses designed to help improve professional development.
Wakulla Signature Seat Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to Wakulla High School graduates who are active in TheatreTSC! or Forensics.
- Graduate of Wakulla High School
- Actively involved in theater, arts and/or forensics at TSC
- Minimum 2.0 high school GPA
- Demonstrate financial need
Wakulla Workforce Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to residents of Wakulla County for the following TSC Workforce Programs:
- Must be enrolled in one of these TSC Workforce Programs:
Medical Administrative Assistant
Applied Cybersecurity
CNC Machining
Industrial Machining Maintenance
Truck Driving
- Must be a resident of Wakulla County
Walter E. Colon Dental Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Walter E. Colon, DMD MS to provide tuition assistance for students in the Dental Hygiene or Dental Assisting program at Tallahassee State College.
- Accepted and enrolled in the TSC Dental Hygiene or Dental Assisting program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Not currently receiving full financial aid
Wayne & Betty Edwards Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Mrs. & Mrs. Edwards to provide funding for students with Type 1 diabetes and/or who are first in their family to attend college and are currently accepted and enrolled in a TSC Healthcare program.
- First priority awarding given to applicants with Type 1 diabetes
- Second Priority awarding given to First Generation students accepted and enrolled in a TSC Healthcare program
WFLA - Working for Limitless Achievement Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students who are employed and ineligible for funding as determined by the Federal Government.
- Must be a currently working student
- Not receiving the Bright Futures Scholarship
- Ineligible for PELL grant funding as determined by a currently submitted FASFA
- Only eligible for subsidized loans
Whitton/Dean Scholarship
TSC Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the TSC Math & Science division to provide financial assistance to students majoring in an area of Math or Science.
- Students with a pre-major in an area of Math or Science
- Minimum 2.75 GPA in all math or science courses
- Have completed 12 credit hour at TSC with at least 3 hours of math beyond MAT 1033
William D. Law, Sr. Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. William Law, Jr. to honor the memory of his father William Law, Sr. for providing financial assistance to an employed father who is a returning student.
- Currently employed part or full-time
- Must be a returning student
- Preference given first to fathers attending TSC
Willis D. and Frances H. Booth Integrity In Law Enforcement Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established for students accepted into TSC's Florida Public Saftey Institute Law Enforcement Program.
- Full-time student enrolled in the law enforcement program at TSC’s Florida Public Safety Institute
- Must be a Florida native
- Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher
- Participate and lead community service endeavors through either religious, school, or civic organizations
- Provide a letter of recommendation for exemplary character and a letter(s) verifying completion of community service activities